Genuine Love

Dear Friends,

This Friday, “love” will be everywhere. Your favorite shows, commercials, stores, and even the news will talk about love. “LOVE” is both a powerful emotion and a powerful word.

Personally, I have always been very cautious and careful about when, where, and to whom I said “love.” For example, I never spoke of love in any relationship until the day I proposed to my wife. That night, I told her, “I could tell you I love you, but those would be just words. I want to show you how much I love you.” Then, I dropped to one knee.

For 31 years, I have told Carolyn, “I love you” at least twice a day, every day—once while looking directly at her, and once in front of our children. I want my wife to know how much I love her, and I want my children to know how much I love their mother.

As deeply as I love my wife, children, and grandchildren, I know of a love that is even greater, deeper, and truer—the love of Christ. Scripture tells us about Christ’s love for us and describes how he has demonstrated this great love. In John 15:13, Jesus tells says, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” We learn the depth of his love—He loves us so much that he died for us.

If I showed you a $100 bill and asked, “Do you want it?” you would say, “Yes.” If I threw it on the ground, stomped on it, dirtied it, and crumpled it up, then asked again, you would still say, “Yes.” Why? Because you know that bill still has value.

There are times when we feel dirtied, as if our lives are crumpled up by wrong decisions; times when we feel insignificant and unimportant, as though we have no value at all. But we do have value—tremendous value—to God. 

On Valentine’s Day, as you are surrounded by talk of love, please remember that in Christ, you have tremendous value, and you are loved with a deep, genuine, and eternal love.


Joseph E. Sanelli

Parish Administrator


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